Telekonsultation – 2023-10-03 14:14

Wie lange hält ein BICON Implantat?

Dear Patient,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am Prof. Dr. Mauro Marincola, a specialist in Dental, Oral, and Maxillofacial Surgery. I am writing to you regarding your concerns and queries about the dental implant treatment plan, specifically the use of **BICON ultrashort implants**.

Understanding your oral health status, you stated that you have one missing tooth and expressed a need for a solution that allows you to laugh without worries. I am happy to inform you that dental implants, particularly BICON ultrashort implants, are a reliable and effective solution.

### BICON Implants:

BICON ultrashort implants are a revolutionary approach in implantology, offering significant advantages over traditional implant systems. Notably, these implants can often be placed without the need for extensive **bone grafting procedures**, which are required when there’s insufficient bone to support standard-length implants. Furthermore, they offer a **less invasive option** compared to traditional implants, particularly in situations where bone augmentation or sinus lift procedures would normally be required.

### Treatment Plan:

Our standard procedure for computer-guided implantology includes the following steps:

1. **3D Intraoral Scanning**
2. **3D Digital Volume Tomography (DVT) Scan**
3. **3D Virtual Implant Planning**
4. **3D Surgical Implant Navigation**

These steps ensure a minimally invasive procedure, reducing the risk of complications and ensuring the best possible outcome for the patient.

### Surgical Procedure:

The surgical procedure for BICON ultrashort implant placement is performed under local anesthesia and can be under sedation if requested. A series of follow-up visits will be scheduled, ensuring that the implants are healing properly and effectively.

### Immediate Fitting:

You mentioned that immediate fitting with a crown after tooth extraction is very important to you. Please note that in most cases, it is possible to proceed with immediate loading of a dental implant following tooth extraction. This means you would not have to wait for the implant site to heal before receiving your crown, greatly reducing the treatment span.

### Cost:

The cost of the treatment varies between 12.000€ and 20.000€ per arch, depending on the number of implants and the type of prosthetic selected.

In conclusion, BICON ultrashort implants are a reliable solution to your dental health needs, potentially offering a shorter treatment span, less invasive procedure, and cost-effectiveness.

I hope this information has been useful and has addressed your concerns. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

**Prof. Dr. Mauro Marincola**
(Text created with artificial intelligence, not vidiert)

### Glossary:

– **BICON ultrashort implants**: Dental implants that are shorter than the standard length. These are not screwed into the bone but tapped into it, providing a stable grip and a higher contact area with the bone.
– **Bone Grafting**: A surgical procedure that uses transplanted bone to repair and rebuild diseased or damaged bones.
– **3D Intraoral Scanning**: A technique that captures direct optical impressions, creating a 3D image of the teeth.
– **3D Digital Volume Tomography (DVT) scan**: A type of computed tomography scan that provides detailed images of the teeth, jawbone, and surrounding structures.
– **3D Virtual Implant Planning**: A technique that uses 3D imaging to plan the precise position and depth for the placement of the dental implant.
– **3D Surgical Implant Navigation**: A computer-guided surgery technique that provides a 3D visualization of the surgical area to guide the placement of the implant.


Ordination Dr. Michael Truppe Albertgasse 3/6 1080 Wien

Telefon 01 408 95 00 66

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